
In 1991, the first patent is deposited; A9 TECHNOLOGY® then becomes the first way to isolate a moving metal mass of its ambient medium consisting of a lubricant.
Explanations on the Well-founded of A9 TECHNOLOGY® In 1988, as seen in the history, A9 TECHNOLOGY ® is born, simply by starting from the following observation
Outstanding Capabilities Of A9 Technology From 1990 European official laboratories have conducted several studies to quantify and control the effects of the A9 Technology Remnant Film. In addition
Espace Amour The history and invention of A9 Technology dates back to 1991 when it`s patent was secured. Earlier in 1988 a company called Espace
A9 Does Not Cause Any Malfunctioning Or Mechanical Damage When using A9 Technology products together with other lubricants recommended by car or engine manufacturer`s specifications